Monoprint, oil on paper
A monoprint of an organic, natural shape bisects an imperfect grid, reminiscent of a city. The physical separation between the two identical halves could be simply a physical barrier, easily overcome by modern technology, or a political border between two countries, or a geographic demarcation between two continents. The meanings we assign to geographic features enhance a separation between relatively identical states, which are so interwoven they cannot easily be separated. At times the most narrow point, perhaps a mere half-kilometer, might as well stretch 100 kilometers as it cannot be bridged.
Monoprint, oil on cotton paper
25 x 40cm
Monoprint, oil on paper
A monoprint of an organic, natural shape bisects an imperfect grid, reminiscent of a city. The physical separation between the two identical halves could be simply a physical barrier, easily overcome by modern technology, or a political border between two countries, or a geographic demarcation between two continents. The meanings we assign to geographic features enhance a separation between relatively identical states, which are so interwoven they cannot easily be separated. At times the most narrow point, perhaps a mere half-kilometer, might as well stretch 100 kilometers as it cannot be bridged.
Monoprint, oil on cotton paper
25 x 40cm